Nature Babes

“Our mission is to provide a space for families and community to connect; and for our children to build a life-long attachment to the environment, enjoying nature-based activities and free, unstructured, outdoor play”

Nature Babes

Nature Babes at Benarrawa Co-op Playgroup meets every Wednesday 9:30-lunchtime, at the Benarrawa Community Development Association - Graceville Community Gardens - 79 Waratah Ave, Graceville QLD, 4075.

The group is part of Playgroup Queensland & all families with children 0-5 are welcome to attend the group. To find out more about Playgroup Queensland, see:

What to bring:

- Food for yourself/your family
- Hat & Sun Smart clothing
- A spare pair of clothes, as sometimes water, mud & paint are part of the play. We love getting messy!

Being a co-op playgroup means the families attending are part of our community. We ask to make the mornings run smoothly, carers help where possible with setting up or packing up or organising activities. Working together as a group helps ensure everyone feels welcome & helps the group keep running, regardless of when people arrive/leave or if they are sick/having holidays/away.